Friday, November 23, 2012


Thanksgiving was a day full of traditional actions. We had a nice Trader Joe's turkey breast, cornbread stuffing, garlic mashed potato and green bean with bacon dinner at lunch time with added baked beans and gravy. 

Afterward, we headed into the city to visit Old Navy and "meet" Mario and Luigi and finally try my hand at Ingress.  

I tried to hack some portals and nothing worked quite like the training missions on Ingress.I was really excited to play Ingress in the city Thursday afternoon and was disappointed that the game automatically assigned me to the resistance and the gameplay was nothing like the training demo. Oh well. I was very happy to play and meet Mario with my wife instead.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Sometime last week, people started talking about a new Alternate Reality Game by Google's Niantic Labs on Google+ and it peaked my curiosity.

I like ARGs.  I got incredibly caught up in the Year Zero ARG.  I searched out Kevin Flynn in the Flynn Lives ARG and I joined the Dharma Initiative in the Lost ARG.  I watched the entire ilovebees DVD long after that ARG ended.  Why?  Because I like ARGs.

This particular ARG had a photo of the Mechanics statue that is half a block from where I work on their website.  That intrigued me.  Then people started really talking about the game and how it used Android powered GPS-enabled application to play.  It seemed like an awesome reason to wander aimlessly, which is of course something that I absolutely love to do.

So tonight, after Vienna Teng retweeted a link about Ingress this afternoon and several friends and family members posted about their Ingress exploits, I finally fought the fight to get an early invitation for myself.

I joined the Niantic channel on and went to their #invites subchannel.  I changed my nickname to reflect that I wanted an invite.  I chatted a bit with people about my personal choice to join the enlightened faction versus joining the resistance.  I waited patiently.  The op joined the channel and announced that he'd be doing a trivia contest momentarily.  I typed in the required info to message him with the response and got the wiki at ready to search for the trivia answer.  The question asked by monkeychicken was "Who is Ezekiel Calvin?"  I hurriedly typed my response "research analyst" and a moment later, I received an invite in my gmail.  It was that easy to get in.  It took less than an hour of time in the channel to obtain the invitation to play the game.

I booted up the app on my phone and got 25% of the exotic matter required in the training mission while walking inside the house.  It is raining or I would have probably put clothes on and wandered the street a bit to get the required XM to advance a bit in the training.  Instead, I'm entering in passcodes on from the Ingress Passcodes master list Google Doc for a while and getting some rest in before I start trying to quell a revolution over the long weekend!

You can read more about Ingress and the Niantic Project at or